When deciding on a therapist for yourself, your family or your child, it is helpful to answer some of the following questions:
- What is the therapist’s orientation? Is it psychoanalytic, systemic, cognitive behavior therapy, solution focused, play therapy or art therapy?
- How long has the therapist been in practice?
- Do you prefer a man or woman therapist? Does it make a difference to you or your child?
- What types of issues does the therapist prefer working with and what are those issues that he or she doesn’t work with?
- How long does the therapist expect the therapy to last?
- Will the therapy be covered under insurance?
If Therapy Involves a Child
If your child is entering therapy, you may also want to know:
- How long has the therapist been in practice AND working with children?
- What portion of the therapist’s cases are children? What portion are adults, families, couples?
- Will you know what happens in the sessions?
- Will you be involved and if so, how?
- Will your child be comfortable?
- Will your child want to go again?
- What should you tell your child as to why he or she is going to the therapist?